Sunday, May 24, 2009

first and last day of preschool

Our firstborn has completed his first year of preschool this past Friday! This school year really has passed quickly. To think, when C started preschool I was really close to this.

Now, the unborn baby pictured above looks like this.

The last day of preschool at Oak Hills Church ended with a picnic lunch. We had a good time, especially since Daddy was able to attend. Yea!

Here is the C Man with his teacher Ms. Tammy. Ms. Tammy was gracious enough to take over his class after their original teacher, Ms. Carroll, had to leave before the year ended.

Here is another look at the past and present.

September 2008

May 2009

So, I guess this means we are just that much closer to kindergarten. Sigh.
But really, I'm thrilled that C loved school so much. He had an adjustment period at first, but thoroughly enjoyed every day of preschool after that.

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