Wednesday, February 24, 2010



Last Monday was a sad, sad day. We had to take our Maisy to the vet for that trip that every pet owner absolutely dreads.

Maisy had been diagnosed with lymphoma in November. She had been doing fairly well until about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Then, Valentine's Day weekend she became really sick. By Sunday, we knew what we had to do. She was barely moving.


It's funny how you think things will play out a certain way. But then they don't. I always thought that after we had kids I wouldn't be "that" sad whenever Maisy died...that our kids would be the heartbroken ones. But I was heartbroken to see her go. I miss her. I thought that watching her die at the vet's office would be the hardest part of letting her go. But it wasn't. The most difficult part of it all was leaving her there. Saying goodbye was so much harder than I imagined it would ever be. I was a bit of a mess for a couple of days.

When I came home from the vet and C saw me he said, "Mommy, why are you red?" I broke the news to him, expecting some sadness and lots of questions...Maisy was too sick and she had died at the vet's office. He took the news so well. "Oh, we can get a new dog." He did ask me some questions that night. I answered them and he seemed satisfied. As for L...he really doesn't get it. He's asked 2 times, "Where's Maisy?" I reminded him she died and is with Jesus. He seems okay with it.


Maisy really was a great dog, just so sweet. She was always so good with the boys...even after not one or two boys, but three. In fact, I think she really enjoyed the attention they gave her.


Cuddling with Maisy

Cuddling with Maisy


Part of my grief over losing Maisy is that I feel guilty. I feel like she was sort of pushed aside after we had our kids. But I realized that as we gave her less attention, our sweet boys gave her more. Even our Baby P got a chance to know and love her. Here he is with Maisy "saying goodbye."


Goodbye Maisykins. We love you.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dear C

You are 5 years old today!!!


Five years ago this morning I was the most nervous I've ever been in my entire life! I mean crazy nervous! (And I'm not a very nervous kind of gal.)

We were about to officially become your Mommy & Daddy!!! It was 10 days past my due date, and yes, you needed some encouragement. So, off we went early that morning for a scheduled induction.

2005-02 (Feb) (4)

By the time we settled in at the hospital, my nerves had calmed quite a bit.

2005-02 (Feb) (6)

About 12 hours later we laid our eyes on you and touched you for the very first time. Amazing!

February 2005 was a life changing month for us. It's a mixture of emotions I vividly remember and wonderment of how I got through each day.

2005-02 (Feb) (32)

2005-02 (Feb) (39)

2005-02 (Feb) (54)

2005-02 (Feb) (71)

Honestly, becoming your mother is the best gift God has given me. Motherhood has changed me in so many ways. (But that's a whole other post!)

Through the years...

2006 - Our adorable 1-year-old
Picture 020

Picture 040

Picture 065

2007 - Shortly after turning 2, you became a big brother!
2007-03 (128)

2007-03 (160)

2008 - Happy 3rd Birthday!
2008-02_Corbin's 3rd B-day (26)

2009 - 4 years old

Our almost 5 year old. These were taken in November 2009 over Thanksgiving break. I just love the way they capture your precious smile.


C, you have such a sweet spirit. You love your brothers and have done so well with the role of big brother to 2 little ones. When I need help, I can count on you! Your are so inquisitive and learn visually. Construction trucks are your absolute favorite! You even use your toys trucks to reenact construction scenes you've seen while out and about. Your writing skills have really blossomed this school year and continue to improve. You still call me mommy and I love it! And, you love to talk! (I'm not sure where in the world you could have gotten that from. Okay, maybe your mommy.)

C, I am so blessed to be your mother. I am so proud of you. I know you'll be a great man.

Happy 5th Birthday!!!

All of my love forever and ever,
